Friday, April 3, 2009

Mawas Conservation

THE Mawas conservation area covers two Regencies (South Barito and Kapuas), five subdistricts and 58 villages comprising around 29,000 Households. The area consists of the so called Block E1 which is 181,743.7 ha and Block E2 which is 242,437.5 ha. The BOS Foundation has been granted a Principle Permission for Conservation Cooperation by the Governor for another 300.000 ha. 

According to local regulations the area proposed for the Mawas Program will be a Conservation area.

The Mawas conservation area needs to be strongly regulated by the local and central government. The Mawas area has a high conservation value not only for Kalimantan and Indonesia, but also for the rest of the world. In this area there are peat domes, which are very rich in biomass and able to absorb high concentrations of carbon dioxide which can assist in the fight against global warming.

There are about 3000 wild orangutans living in this area. (according to van Schaik et al, Population Habitat Viability Assessment - PHVA ) . The Mawas Program is dedicated to the conservation of the orangutans and their habitat, while at the same time bringing benefits to the local communities. 

The biodiversity in this area is very rich, with a peat forest ecosystem. There are plans to develop programs for Carbon Offset Agreements working closely with the local community and government. These kind of strategies will also be developed in other conservation areas within the Central Kalimantan Province.

One of the priorities of the Mawas program is to work with community development by teaching the communities about forestry & agroforestry in order to show that conserving the forest will have positive impact for the people living in and around the Mawas area. The Mawas Program also focuses on field activities like surveys and research as well as improving management and service of the research camps.

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